Update on Apogee Consulting, Inc.

Wednesday, 07 August 2013 00:00 Nick Sanders

Flying on a plane between Texas and California, it seems an appropriate time to give a 38,000 foot perspective on where Apogee Consulting, Inc. is going.

The consulting continues, though at lower levels than we’ve previously experienced. We thank our clients for their continued use of our services, and for their referrals. We will continue to provide consulting services to those who request them, though we will do so from Texas instead of California.

The website continues, though quite honestly we’re a bit concerned about the lack of use of some of our features. For instance, though we get anywhere from 600 to 1,000 visits a week, almost nobody cares to leave comments or reactions to our blog articles. It was some of our regular visitors who requested those features, and we spent time and money to create the functionality. If they’re not going to be used, we’ll probably kill them come January.

The fate of the comments/reactions functionality is in your hands, gentle readers.

The other feature that’s not being used is that of our accumulated knowledge resources. You can find things there that are tough to find anywhere else. Yet, despite what we think is much value, almost nobody is using them. Thus: we probably won’t be adding many new resources to our repository. As we look to streamline the future site, we’ll evaluate such features based on usage/popularity.

We will be resuming blogging soon but, consistent with the state of flux involved in relocating halfway across the country, readers should not expect daily updates. Right now, once or twice a week seems to be the right level—unless something really frosts us and demands a screed of outrage.

So what will we be doing with all our free time?

Well, for starters we have a few eBooks to get written. We’ll start with something on Leadership that’s never been published anywhere, and then we’ll do at least one compilation of well-received blog articles from this site. The compilations will be for sale – for cheap! – on Amazon. We’ll announce them here. Look for them before too long.

We are also thinking about bigger fish, such as a book on the Cost Accounting Standards that does more than simply rehash the rules and regulations. It seems past time for such a book to be written, and we think we have the chops to see it through. Only time (and a willing publisher!) will tell.

So that’s the 38,000 foot perspective on 2013 and beyond.

Thanks for your support.