End of Year Legal News

Wednesday, 28 December 2016 00:00 Nick Sanders

So here we are at the end of 2016.

We thought we would wrap-up the year with a list of some legal news. As long-time readers know, we stopped reporting most fraud stories a while ago, because they got boring. There was very little reason to sit down and type up a story about yet another fraud. Plus, there were just too many. It was too much for us.

And we don’t even follow reports of healthcare fraud.

To prove our point, here’s a recap from the past 30 days or so. Basically, this is just one month’s worth of procurement-related fraud news, none of which--in our view--merited a stand-alone article. (The list excludes, as always, reports of healthcare fraud. Believe us: the list would have been much longer if we included the Medicare/Medicaid fraud and similar matters.)

One last word on the foregoing. We get emails from the Department of Justice every day (sometimes more often) so it’s a fairly quick task to skim the emails to see if there’s anything worthy of a blog article. If not, the emails are quickly deleted. When we set out to compile this list of wrongdoing for our readers, many of the original emails had already been deleted. But Bob Antonio keeps a rolling list of procurement fraud links over at his WIFCON site. Thus, his list became an invaluable resource for compiling this list. If you don’t visit WIFCON at least once a week, you are missing a very important resource for government contracting and compliance professionals.

And I think we’re done with 2016 now.